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Jul 23, 20212 min read
He's here!
Can you believe it!!! After counting down for nearly 4 months, the moment has arrived!!!! On the 1st of April, I ordered my kiln as an...

Jun 22, 20212 min read
For the love of clay
I can honestly not recall when the urge to play with clay started. I have a distinct feeling I was born with it. From an early age I...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
While it's raining and the oils are wet...
it is time to attempt another dog portrait with coloured pencils. I know, I know.. my hand may throw another spanner in the works but...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
When is it OK to stop?
Hmmmm a philosophical pondering here... I have been working on this painting of our local canal and as it is in oils, I have to wait...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
When the man walks the hills, the woman paints...
or words along those lines. I have a wonderful husband who knows that when I get my paints and brushes out, I will be "incommunicado"...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
Remaining positive by doing something negative!
Since my Mum took a heavy tumble at the end of April, spare time has been spent merely sitting in hospital emergency rooms, worrying a...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
Modern and ancient intertwine...
I love statues, I love rust, I love patina and when I came across the picture of this wonderful statue - one of several installed among...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
Who would have thought that Michelangelo's marvelous masterpiece, would still inspire mere mortal soulds like myself 514 years after it's...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
A new year, a new project!
I hope everyone has enjoyed the festive season in an enjoyable way and you're all ready to tackle 2018 with replenished batteries! No...
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