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Jun 15, 20213 min read
What I wanted to do today…..
…. and what I finally ended up doing, are usually two very different things. You know how it goes, you get up, all bright eyed and bushy...

Jun 15, 20213 min read
"I am not creative!"
“I wish I was creative, but I am not” – “I can’t draw” – “I was not good at art at school” After hearing this sooooo many times, I just...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
Taking things down a few notches :(
Just as I was hoping to do ALL sorts of fun stuff, I had a reminder that I am not yet having the energy required to take on multiple...

Jun 15, 20211 min read
Autumn? Snow forecast? What is this all about ?
Well, I am terribly sorry for not having posted for what seems like an eternity. But looking at the positive side of this : it means I...

Jun 15, 20212 min read
2011…. the start of a new year.. and what a start it has been ! tumour and all..
Hello ! You may be wondering why not much has been happening on the clay front. It is a rather long story so take a coffee and grab a...
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