Not sure that title will mean anything to the younger ones among you but in "our" good old days... that was quite an event! Black and White TV became colour... I know, hard to fathom I still remember!
So, over the past weekends I have taken to drawing.. It started with a fluke on a piece of scrap paper (you can read about this here) and some very supportive comments from hubby and now I can't stop. While waiting for my Polychromo pencils to arrive, I tried drawing Lewis and Abby in black and white and shades of grey... but in my mind I already saw them in a coloured version.
Toby, the tiniest member of the family had not yet been put to paper so when the mailman came and delivered this beautiful box of pencils... I HAD to give him a go. These are the work in progress pictures, quickly taken with the camera while on the go (hence the artificial lighting and the lack of focus).
Here's the finished version: