or words along those lines. I have a wonderful husband who knows that when I get my paints and brushes out, I will be "incommunicado" for a couple of hours and he happily retreats to the hills with our two lovely lurchers while I slather about on the canvas. We have the fortune of living in a walking paradise so that is not a chore for him (just in case...) and he enjoys bringing home heaps of pictures for me to awe over.
Sometimes some of the pictures gives me that instant "I need to paint this" feeling and these rams were just one of these occasions. Although, I probably bit off a bit more than I could chew! This was after all my first "non-tutorial" oil painting and a STEEP learning curve to say the least. Below a couple of in between shots. It is not easy to take non glare pictures of a rather textured and varnished painting. That is the next thing I need to learn!